444 Stainless steel section manufacturer

The yield strength of 444 is equivalent to 1.5 times that of carbon steel and 6 times that of glass fiber reinforced plastics. It has outstanding performance in earthquake resistance, snow resistance, wind pressure resistance, and impact resistance. SUS444 ferritic stainless steel has a high thermal conductivity, which is about 130% to 150% of that of chromium-nickel austenitic stainless steel, which is very suitable for heat exchange purposes. The coefficient of thermal expansion is small, and the team is only 60% to 70% of the chromium-nickel Olympic stainless steel, which is very suitable for thermal expansion, cold contraction, and thermal cycling. This steel has good plasticity and toughness, and is suitable for drawing, rolling and stamping manufacturing. Especially the application corrosion resistance is the most excellent. The corrosion resistance in the high chloride medium is better than ordinary ferritic stainless steel and Olympic stainless steel, and generally does not produce chloride stress corrosion cracking.

444 Stainless steel section Price in China ,Manufacturer of 444 Stainless Steel section

The 444 steel grade is a high-alloy ferritic stainless steel. Compared with the commonly used steel grade SUS430: 1. The chromium content is about 1.0% higher, and the alloy element molybdenum (Mo) is added, so the steel grade has good pitting corrosion resistance, Crevice corrosion, stress corrosion resistance, its corrosion resistance is even better than SUS304 and SUS316 in some areas. 2. Added stabilizing elements such as titanium (Ti), niobium (Nb), zirconium (Zr), so the steel has Good resistance to intergranular corrosion and high temperature oxidation resistance.

Stainless steels are high-alloy steels that have excellent corrosion resistance in comparison with other steels as they contain more chromium.

Based on their crystalline structure, stainless steels are divided into three groups, namely, martensitic, austenitic and ferritic steels. A combination of martensitic and ferritic steels forms a fourth group known as precipitation-hardened steels.

The following datasheet provides an overview of grade 444 stainless steel.

Standard Specification Of 444 stainless steel section

Specifications ASTM A176
Length 3000mm,3500mm, 4000mm 5000mm 6000mm 10000mm 12000mm etc
Surface Black 、 bright、 pickling 、etc
Finish Hot rolled (HR), 
Form Angle, I beam, H beam, C channel. U channel.

444 Polished Cold Drawn Plate Composition and Mechanical Characteristics

Grade C Mn Si P S Cr Mo Ni N
444 Min.
/   /
Grade Tensile Strength
Yield Strength
0.2% Proof (MPa) 
(% in 50mm)
Rockwell B
(HR B)
444 415 275 20 95  
  • 444 Stainless steel section

  • 444 Stainless steel section

  • 444 Stainless steel section

Dimensions Standard,weight chart and size schedules of 444 stainless steel section


Type size weight
Type size weight
type size weight
type size weight
b d b d B b d B b d
2 20 3 0.889 2.5 25 3 1.124 2.5/1.6 25 16 3 0.912 11/7.0 110 70 6 8.35
4 1.145 4 1.459 4 1.176 7 9.656
3 30 3 1.373 9 90 6 8.35 3.2/2 32 20 3 1.171 8 10.946
4 1.786 7 9.656 4 1.522 10 13.476
3.6 36 3 1.656 8 10.946 4/2.5 40 25 3 1.484 12.5/8 125 80 7 11.066
4 2.163 10 13.476 4 1.936 8 12.551
5 2.654 12 15.94 4.5/28/3.0 45 28 3 1.687 10 15.474
4 40 2.5 2.306 10 100 6 9.366 30 4 2.203 12 18.333
3 1.852 7 10.83 5 2.251 14/9.0 140 90 8 14.16
4 2.422 8 12.276 5/3.2 50 32 3 1.908 10 17.475
5 2.976 10 15.12 4 2.494 12 20.724
4.5 45 3 2.088 12 17.898 5.6/3.6 56 36 3 2.153 14 23.908
4 2.736 14 20611 4 2.818 16/10.0 160 100 10 19.872
5 3.369 16 23.257 5 3.466 12 23.592
6 3.985 11 110 7 11.928 6.3/4 63 40 4 3.185 14 27.247
5 50 3 2.332 8 13.532 5 3.92 16 30.838
4 3.059 10 16.69 6 4.638 18/11.0 180 110 10 22.273
5 3.770 12 19.782 7 5.339 12 26.464
6 4.456 14 22.809 7/4.5 70 45 4 3.57 14 30.589
5.6 56 3   12.5 125 8 15.504 5 4.403 16 34.649
4 0.889 10 19.133 6 5.218 20/12.5 200 125 12 29.761
5 1.145 12 22.696 7 6.011 14 34.436
6   14 26.193 7.5/5 75 50 5 4.808 16 39.045
6.3 63 4 3.907 14 140 10 21.488 6 5.699 18 43.588
5 4.822 12 25.522 8 7.431          
6 5.721 14 29.49 10 9.098          
8 7.469 16 33.393 8.0/5 80 50 5 5.005          
10 9.151 16 160 10 24.729 6 5.935          
7 70 4 4.372 12 29.391 7 6.848          
5 5.697 14 33.987 8 7.745          
6 6.406 16 38.518 9/5.6 90 56 5 5.661          
7 7.398 18 180 12 33.159 6 6.717          
8 8.373 14 38.383 7 7.756          
7.5 75 5 5.818 16 43.542 8 8.779          
6 6.905 18 48.634 10/6.3 100 63 6 7.55          
7 7.976 20 200 14 42.894 7 8.722          
8 9.03 16 48.68 8 9.878          
10 11.089 18 54.401 10 12.142          
8 80 5 6.211 20 60.056 10/8.0 100 80 6 8.35          
6 7.376 24 71.168 7 9.656          
7 8.526         8 10.946          
8 9.658         10 13.476          
10 11.874                            
C Channel and H beam
Type size(mm) Weight(kg/m)   Type size(mm) Weight(kg/m)
h b d   h b d
Channel  GB  707-88   I beams  GB  707-88
5 50 37 4.5 5.438   10 100 68 4.5 11.261
6.3 63 40 4.8 6.634   12* 120 7 5 13.987
6.5* 65 40 4.8 6.709   12.6 126 74 5 14.223
8 80 43 5 8.045   14 240 80 5.5 16.89
10 100 48 5.3 10.007   16 160 88 6 20.513
12* 120 53 5.5 12.059   18 180 94 6.5 24.143
12.5 125 5 5.5 12.318   20a 200 100 7 27.929
14a 140 58 6 14.535   20b 200 102 9 31.069
14b 140 60 8 16.733   22a 220 110 7.5 33.07
16a 160 63 6.5 17.240   22b 220 112 9.5 36.524
16 160 65 8.5 19.752   24a* 240 116 8 37.477
18a 180 68 7 20.174   24b* 240 118 10 41.245
18 180 70 9 23.000   25a 250 116 8 38.105
20a 200 73 7 22.637   25b 250 118 10 42.03
20 200 75 9 25.777   27a* 270 122 8.5 42.825
22a 220 77 7 24.999   27b* 270 124 10.5 47.084
22 220 79 9 28.453   28a 280 122 8.5 43.492
24a* 240 78 7 26.86   28b 280 124 10.5 47.888
24b* 240 80 9 30.628   30a* 300 126 9 48.084
24c* 240 82 11 34.396   30b* 300 128 11 52.794
25a 250 78 7 27.41   30c* 300 130 13 57.504
25b 250 80 9 31.335   32a 320 130 9.5 52.717
25c 250 82 11 35.26   32b 320 132 11.5 57.741
27a* 270 82 7.5 30.838   32c 320 134 13.5 62.765
27B* 270 84 9.5 35.077   36a 360 136 10 60.037
27C* 270 86 11.5 39.316   36b 360 138 12 65.689
28a 280 82 7.5 31.427   36c 360 140 14 71.341
28b 280 84 9.5 35.823   40a 400 142 10.5 67.598
28c 280 86 11.5 40.219   40b 400 144 12.5 73.878
30a* 300 85 7.5 34.463   40c 400 146 14.5 80.158
30b* 300 87 9.5 39.173   45a 450 150 11.5 81.42
30c* 300 89 11.5 43.883   45b 450 152 13.5 87.485
32a 320 88 8 38.083   45c 450 154 15.5 94.55
32b 320 90 10 43.107   50a 500 158 12 93.654
32c 320 92 12 48.121   50b 500 160 14 101.504
36a 360 96 9 47.814   50c 500 162 16 109.354
36b 360 98 11 53.466   55a 500 166 12.5 105.355
36c 360 100 13 59.118   55b 550 168 14.5 113.97
40a 400 100 10.5 58.928   55c 550 170 16.5 122.605
40b 400 102 12.5 65.208   56a 560 166 12.5 106.316
40c 400 104 14.5 71.488   56b 560 168 14.5 115.108
Chaneel(YB 164-63)   56c 560 170 16.5 123.9
16 160 64 5 14.2   63a 630 176 13 121.407
16a 160 68 5 15.3   63b 630 178 15 131.298
18 180 70 5.1 16.3   63c 630 180 17 141.189
18a 180 74 5.1 17.4   Channel(YB 164-63)
20 200 76 5.2 18.4   32c 50 32 4.4 4.84
20a 200 80 5.2 19.8   36a 65 36 4.4 5.9
22 220 82 5.4 21   36b 80 40 4.5 7.05
22a 220 87 5.4 22.6   36c 100 46 4.5 8.59
24 240 90 5.6 24   40a 120 52 4.8 10.4
24a 240 95 5.6 25.8   40b 140 58 4.9 12.3
27 270 95 6 27.7   40c 140 62 4.9 13.3
30 300 100 6.5 31.8   10 100 55 4.5 9.46
33 330 105 7 36.5   12 120 64 4.8 11.5
36 360 110 7.5 41.9   14 140 73 4.9 13.7
40 400 115 8 48.3   16 160 81 5 15
32c 50 32 4.4 4.84   18 180 90 5.1 18.4
36a 65 36 4.4 5.9   18a 1810 100 5.1 19.9
36b 80 40 4.5 7.05   20 200 100 5.2 21
36c 100 46 4.5 8.59   20a 200 110 5.2 22.7
40a 120 52 4.8 10.4   22 220 110 5.4 24
40b 140 58 4.9 12.3   22a 220 120 5.4 25.8
40c 140 62 4.9 13.3   24 240 115 5.6 27.3
            24a 240 125 56 29.4
            27 270 125 6 31.5
            27a 270 135 6 33.9
            30 300 135 6.5 36.5
            30a 300 145 6.5 39.2
            33 330 140 7 42.2
            36 360 145 7.5 48.6
            40 400 155 8 56.1
            45 450 160 8.6 65.2
            50 200 170 9.5 76.8
            55 550 180 10.3 89.8
            60 600 190 11.1 104
            65 650 200 12 120
            70 700 210 13 138
            70a 700 210 15 158
            70b 700 210 17.5 184

H beams

Size weight
( kg/m)
size weight
( kg/m)
size weight
( kg/m)
size weight
( kg/m)
100*50*5*7 9.54 250*125*6*9 29.7 394*398*11*18 147 506*201*11*19 103
100*100*6*8 17.2 250*250*9*14 72.4 396*199*7*11 56.7 582*300*12*17 137
125*60*6*8 13.3 250*255*14*14 82.2 400*200*8*13 66 588*300*12*20 151
125*1125*6.8*9 23.8 294*200*8*12 57.3 400*400*13*21 172 594*302*14*23 175
150*75*5*7 14.3 294*302*12*12 85 400*408*21*21 197 596*199*10*15 95.1
148*100*6*9 21.4 298*149*5.5*8 32.6 414*405*18*28 233 600*200*11*17 106
150*150*7*10 31.9 300*150*6.5*9 37.3 428*407*20*35 284 606*201*12*20 120
175*90*5*8 18.2 300*300*10*15 94.5 440*300*11*18 124 692*300*13*30 166
175*175*75*11 40.3 300*305*15*15 106 446*199*8*12 66.7 700*300*13*24 185
194*150*6*9 31.2 340*250*9*14 79.7 450*200*9*14 76.5 800*300*14*22 191
198*99*4.5*7 18.5 344*348*10*16 115 458*417*30*50 41.5 800*300*14*26 210
200*100*5.5*8 21.7 346*174*6*9 41.8 482*300*11*15 115 890*299*15*23 213
200*200*8*12 50.5 350*175*7*11 50 488*300*11*18 129 900*300*16*28 243
200*204*12*12 56.7 350*350*12*16 137 496*199*9*14 79.5 912*302*18*34 286
244*175*7*11 44.1 388*402*15*15 141 498*432*45*70 60.5    
248*124*5*8 25.8 390*300*10*16 107 500*200*10*16 89.6    
444 Stainless Steel section Price List 444 section FOB Shanghai Per Unit (USD)
444 stainless steel angle $1500.00-$2000.00
444 stainless steel I beam and C channel $1800.00-$2300.00
444 stainless steel H beams $1500.00-$2000.00

444 Stainless steel section

Huaping stocks a wide variety of Stainless Steel Section. Available grades include: 2205 , 904L , 444 , 430 , 420 , 410S , 409L , 321 , 317L , 316 , 310S , 305 , 304 , 301 , 202 , 201 ,

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